keeping our community safe during the pandemic
Following Lockdown, Village and Community Halls were able to accommodate indoor sport and exercise, dancing classes and certain other performance-related activity from 25th July 2020.
The Waterford Recreation Committee is taking steps to qualify the hall as being COVID-19 Secure as follows:
We have conducted a Village Hall Risk Assessment and made it available to all users
We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with UK Government guidance
We have advised hall users to keep safe from COVID-19
We have advised Hirers to maintain Social Distancing when using the hall
Where people cannot keep 2m apart we have advised Hirers on the mitigating actions they might take to manage transmission risk
It is the responsibility of Hirers and other users to ensure their activities within it are safe and do not compromise the safety of others who may follow.
Any new announcements affecting Waterford Village Hall and life in Waterford in general will be posted here. You must take into account anything posted here first when planning any event or activity.
UK Gov Guidance Updated 19th july 2021
All restrictions are lifted and are now personal choice.
The Govt advises caution when mixing in large groups, keep washing hands and maintaining a safe environment.
Ensure that at least one person in your group provides their contact details to the organiser so that you can be contacted if needed by the NHS Test and Trace programme. Checking in using the official NHS QR code is a quick and easy alternative.
Revised Conditions of Hire and associated guidance have been produced with a view to our being able to accept bookings and resume most group activities from September 1st 2020. In the meantime, please note the following:
you must not enter if you have, or have been in contact with, anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms
the rooms will have reduced maximum occupancy numbers
from September, our cleaners will come in twice a week, at least briefly, to sanitise all door handles, switches, WC seats and washbasins.
BUT it will be a condition of hire that users must clean anything that is regularly touched and anything they use before and after use with the virucidal spray provided or ordinary domestic products.
These conditions are supplemental to, not a replacement for, Waterford Village Hall’s ordinary conditions of hire.
The COVID-19 Risk Assessment may need to be updated in the light of any new government advice that may be forthcoming.
This document should be read in conjunction with relevant legislation and guidance issued by government and local authorities.
Relevant guidance can be found at:
UK Gov Guidance :
Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE) :
Public Health England (PHE) :
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) :
Hirers are strongly advised to produce their own Risk Assessment and people will feel safer if they do.
This guidance shows the kind of approach groups might take when hiring Waterford Village Hall Hall. Use it as a guide to think through some of the hazards and the steps you need to take to control the risks which are particular to your group. (downloadable document) Please note this is not a generic Risk Assessment and you cannot just put your group name on to adopt wholesale without any thought. This would not satisfy the law - and would not be effective in protecting people.
Paper copies of the Template are available on request.
The easing of lockdown measures following the COVID-19 outbreak, is being supported by NHS Test and Trace. Hirers should assist this service by keeping a temporary record of group contact details for 21 days following the last session.
We have produced an Attendance Register Template which Hirers may find helpful and assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed. This could help contain clusters or outbreaks.
Guidance on NHS test and trace: how it works :
Paper copies of the Attendance Register are available on request.